Former Foster Youth Gives Back Through Heart 2 Heart Charity

| March 13th, 2015

Albert Einstein once said, “A life lived for others, is the only life worth living.” Jodie Williams is a great example of this. Williams is the founder of Heart 2 Heart, a small nonprofit of volunteers in Solano County, CA dedicated to helping local foster youth. According to an article on, Heart 2 Heart’s […]

[Guest blog] The Importance and Impact of Protecting Foster Youth’s Credit

| March 10th, 2015

Children and youth in the foster care system are at high risk for financial fraud because of their frequent moves and the fact that many – sometimes unscrupulous – people may have access to their personal information. A recent Los Angeles County study found that eight percent of 16- and 17-year-olds in the foster care […]

ASP Coach Kat Foley Shares How Successful Coaching Leads to Successful Students

| March 4th, 2015

As an Academic Success Program coach with Foster Care to Success (FC2S), I am rewarded with seeing my students grow and blossom throughout their college years, while experiencing tremendous personal growth myself through these relationships. I love being a part of their academic and everyday lives as a coach, sounding board, encourager, editor, and support […]

Happy Birthday Dr. Seuss!

| March 2nd, 2015

Today is Dr. Seuss’s Birthday! The renowned children’s book author continues to inspire millions of youth with his timeless writings—including foster students! Dr. Seuss’s first book, And to Think I Saw It on Mulberry Street, was rejected by 27 publishers, which teaches a great lesson to try, try again! Did you know books like Green […]

New Smart Phone App Geolocates Resources For L.A. County Foster Youth

| February 25th, 2015

Calling all foster youth in L.A. County! Alliance for Children’s Right has launched a new app called Know Before You Go. B4UGO allows current and former foster youth in L.A. County to stay connected, “with a quick tap on your phone, you can be virtually linked to a lifeline of resources, tools, supports and advocates […]

Mentoring Foster Youth Could Help Postively Impact Their Mindset

| February 23rd, 2015

Great blog post from CASA’s CEO Michael Piraino on how we can transform foster youths’ trajectory by changing their mindset. Our foster care system can cause traumatic and adverse childhood effects, resulting in a “fixed” mindset where a child assumes failure to be permanent versus a “growth” mindset where a child accepts failures as challenges to […]

More Than…

| February 12th, 2015

Many things inspire people to volunteer. It may be a newspaper article that pulls your heartstrings, wise words from a mentor, or a gift you are given just when you need it most. It’s More Than an article, More Than a word, or More Than a gift – it’s the catalyst that inspires you to give of your time, energy, or […]

How Will You Be Seen In 2015?

| January 2nd, 2015

Happy New Year! As 2015 begins, many people have new year’s resolutions. Losing weight, saving money and finding a better job are very popular, but what about setting some online goals for this year? In 2014, 3 billion people used the internet with more than half of them accessing social media. A whopping 4.75 billion […]
